
2009 Kansas State Championships Results

I hit my goal for the meet!

Squat: 440 - pass; 460 - pass; 475 - pass (12 lbs PR)
Bench Press: 285 - pass; 305 lbs - pass (2 lbs PR); 315 lbs - no pass
Dead Lift: 480 - pass; 500 - pass; 520 (35 lbs PR)
Total - 1300 lbs (49 lbs PR)

Meet video to follow later.

Also, my next meet may be the Raw Nationals in Denver, CO in June, 2010...

Mens sana in corpore sano


36 Hours Out

About a day and a half left. I've been getting plenty of rest this week and taking it easy. Haven't been to the gym, but I have been doing some of my PT and using the foam roller I purchased from EliteFTS. It's a nice tool for self-massage and I think it's helped keep me loose.

Had an exam today in Microeconomic Theory; I think it went pretty well. Nothing left but some homework and finals... working for success and hoping for the best.

Schedule for tomorrow:

Get around at about 8:00 AM
Go to the Rec to check weight @ 9:00 AM
Tutor a student in finance/econ at 12:30 PM
Class from 1:30 to 2:20 PM
Run to the store to pick up some groceries and a few last things for the meet
Get everything together and pack my bag
Cut off all food/water intake by 10:00 PM


Update on the meet will follow Saturday evening.

Until then:
"Mens sana in corpore sano"