

I had a massage tonight. I asked her to focus on my tight muscles (piriformis,glute-med, all 4 of quad group, hip flexor) and she did a dang good job. I felt like a million bucks.

This week has been absolute hell in terms of school. I had one test yesterday afternoon and I have another tomorrow afternoon. As you might think, I've not been getting much sleep. I plan to pull an all-nighter tonight.

I really have to keep my priorities straight. I knew I wasn't going to be able to recover from any workouts this week (let alone actually have time to go to the gym) because of my schedule, so I just decided to take the week off. In the end, powerlifting doesn't pay my bills, research assistantship and, eventually, my PhD does/will.

Now for some good news. I got engaged Friday afternoon! We've not set a date yet, but it's going to be pretty quick. We found out on Tuesday that she is pregnant! The only "bad" thing about this is the sickness and the constant moodiness. I have my work cut out for me.

I will get some training done this weekend. I have another exam on Thursday next week, but I should have time to get at least 2 sessions in before then. My "plan" if I have one at this point, is really just to make sure I get my max effort work in. I'll get a little bit of volume in on my ME squat day and start working up on that. With bench press, I'll be able to do quite a bit of volume, so if I have time for a third day, that's what I'll do then. Also, maybe some speed pulls on the accessory day.

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

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