
Dude Bro Workout for Weightloss and Re-Training

I talked with friend and trainer Rich Haven today. He suggested that since I've already built "a good strength base in the past" I needed to start over with non-CNS-intensive stuff. He suggested a dude-bro single-body-part-per-week amateur bodybuilding workout. I'll be doing this for 2 to 3 months, then moving back to a bench/squat split sometime after the first of the year. Hopefully some of my lost work capacity will come back and I'll put on some muscle mass. While those are hopes, the real goal is to cut fat.

I knew tonight would be bench night, so I'm starting the workout off on Shoulders/Hams day.

Here's what I did:

Machine OHP
4 x 6
I'll probably take the reps up to 8 or 10 next time. I didn't want to start off with DBs but might move to them later.

Alternating Lateral Raise/Front Raise
3 x 10
I'm going to work up to doing these individually. I just don't have the endurance yet.

Face Pulls
3 x 15
Shoulder prehab

Seated Leg Curl
3 x 8

Machine Hip Extension
3 x 8

Pull Thrus
4 x 10
Didn't do these. Will next time.

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

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