
Starting from Scratch

Back when I first started lifting weights in earnest (2002?) I was untrained, had no idea how to perform lifts correctly, and didn't have much for goals. Since then I've graduated high school in the top 10% of my class by strength, started college at 215 bw. I put on some muscle, learned how to lift properly, and competed several times in the USAPL and NASA raw divisions. Since 2012 I really haven't touched a weight, but I did manage to write my dissertation, graduate with a PhD, start a job at an R1 university and gain a ton of bodyfat. I'm now at 360 lbs and my doctor says I'm borderline diabetic and need to get a hold of my health ASAP.

So I've gone back to the gym and made a commitment to clean up my diet. Lana is, of course, an invaluable help in all of this. Here are a couple of my first handful of sessions:

Sept 18, 2015

Squat to 405 x 2

That's it. This is 205 lbs shy of my previous best, but the goal now is to build back strength and lose weight. Feels good to be under the bar!

Sept 20, 2015

Bench to 275 for 2 singles

Lat pulldown - 4 sets

Pushdowns/facepulls superset - 2 sets

No excuses, I will be in the gym every night unless I'm out of town for work. I have to get back to a healthy weight (250-275) and want to get back to high school weight, though with more muscle!

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

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