
3-24-12 NASA Meet Plan

As of right now, I plan to compete in the March 24th NASA meet.

My training plan, including planned openers, can be found at the link below.


All sets are singles unless written in "sets x reps" format.

The first two days are more "volume" days (I call them fat guy volume days because no self-respecting bodybuilder or athlete would consider that to be high volume) and I'm hoping to get some functional hypertrophy as well as a better ability to stay with the weight and strain (more time under tension). Maybe it's all broscience, but I'm gonna try it.

The other two days are heavy singles. I know these work for me, so I'm gonna continue to use them.

There are no planned deloads. I will take time off or go light when I feel I need to.

There are no planned deadlift days. I have always pulled conventional but last summer I started pulling sumo. I think it suits my body type better and I hope it will keep my back healthy longer. I will dead lift sometimes on Tuesdays when I feel like it.

The plan is to run everything with straight weight, but if my training partner is using bands or chains, I'll just run those with him (except on my heavy days) and lighten up the bar weight a bit.

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

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